The Project
Innovation Roadtrips: The search for the DNA of Innovation
Our Innovation Roadtrips have a simple, yet complex task: The search for the DNA of innovation. The questions we want to answer: What people, infrastructure and circumstances does innovation need? How can it be fostered in existing or new entities? What can we learn from other countries, other cultures and other industries?
The Innovation Roadtrips take us to places that do remarkable work in driving and fostering change: Cities that create environmentally friendly quarters or tackle infrastructure issues in a exemplary way. Family owned companies that managed to become innovation leaders. Emerging startups disrupting the field. Individuals that pull the strings as innovators. Established players creating new and promising team structures.
We are not looking for the newest gadget, but rather for the underlying convictions and principles it takes to create an innovation-friendly atmosphere. We invite the local changemaker community to send in recommendations for places to visit via social media. While travelling, we visit companies, entrepreneurs, organizations and cities to look behind the scenes. Daily reports about the findings are being posted on the website, on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. After our trips, we will work with the findings in continued reports, talks and maybe a book.
Our first trip from February 10th till March 20th 2015 takes us to five cities:
Malmö, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Austin. Other cities will follow in April.
You want to give us feedback, tell us about places and people we have to visit, or be part of our trip?
You are interested in supporting us? We are looking forward to hearing from you!