Innovation Roadtrips
Changes Coming up: New City! New Job! More Innovation Meetings!
After a few days in the Bay Area with several interesting meetings we just arrived in Austin, Texas, for the giant digital gathering SXSW. It is hard to meet anyone here who is NOT into innovation, so the challenge here will be to spend our time wisely.
As you might have noticed, we haven’t been posting too much in the last days – mostly due to the fact that there are several exciting news that we focused on: We will move to Zurich, Switzerland! And: I will be Editor-in-Chief for new products at the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) and am very much looking forward to the new challenge. Klaus has some neat innovation projects planned, too – so we will both be able to make good use of our Innovation Roadtrip insights.
Talking about insights, we will give a first short talk about those at SXSW German House soon. We will then blog about those, and there are several other blogposts coming up soon about our meetings in Northern Europe and the US, for example on new leadership, media innovation and innovation hubs.
After a month of travel, patterns start to show, and we work on answers to questions like:
How might we drive innovation inside an organization?
How important is a culture of collaboration and cocreation?
What can innovation culture in Europe learn from the US, and the other way round?