Innovation Roadtrips
FQA – A few questions asked about the project
Question: Only five cities? There are so many more that are a great example for driving innovation! And you definitely have to go to XY, too! Why is it not on the list?
Answer: Of course we are aware we can’t cover world innovation in two months, whether we visit five cities or ten. And we know that there are incredibly vibrant and interesting scenes developing in Asia and Africa – but for the time being, we will focus more on Europe, also because it’s easier to cover, roadtrip-wise. We will travel again in April, and if you feel “your” city has to be on our itinerary: Tell us why.
Q: How do you pick the destinations?
A: We did some research that basically combined talking to our network of innovation-minded people, our own experience and different city innovation rankings, and then we tried to build an itinerary around it that made sense for us.
Q: What happens with the insights you gather, besides from blogging about them?
A: Well, that depends. We are passionate about the topic, and we hope that you, our audience, will be, too. We plan to continue the work around innovation, whether that means implementing the insights we got in future jobs, hosting events, a continued blog, a book or more trips – or something innovative we haven’t thought about yet.
Q: I know some great contacts you should meet, but they are not in the media industry – are they still interesting to you?
A: Definitely! While we have a strong interest in media, due to our job history, we really want to see innovation from a broader perspective and cover different setups and industries.
Q: I would like to meet you during your trip, because I am also excited about innovation – but I’d rather not be the topic of a blogpost. Ok?
A: Sure. Let’s just grab a coffee and chat. Please be in touch!
Q: What are great books or other ressources you can recommend if I want to dive into the topic of creativity and innovation?
A: Good question. We will do a blogpost about that one of the next days.
Q: Why the hell are you doing this?
A: The answer is: 42. No, just kidding. We feel that we are at a point in our life where we want to do this project, together as a team, to grow personally and gather insights about change and innovation that can be helpful to us and to others.
You have more questions? Please post or send us your question!